This red bangle is superb, translucent, cold to touch, as genuine jade is, a perfect jade bangle. I highly recommend this seller. I also have the equally perfect beautiful green jade bangle.
It's so pretty. When I went looking online to buy a red agate/ red Jade bangle, I found many sellers on Etsy, and other online stores. They were some cheaper and some more expensive. But what made me buy from desiderate is the fact that they are a local business and a family run business. I trusted Desiderate to be authentic. And I am absolutely happy with my purchase. I love it. I wish they would have offered a smaller size bangle (I bought S, the smallest size offered) so that it would have been a bit more snug for me but I still absolutely love it. The colour is gorgeous in person and even better than the photos. The photo makes it look thinner than it actually is. It's got a nice curve and thickness.
This was a surprise gift for my partner who is Chinese and knows jade very well, she loved this solid red jade bangle. I guessed incorrectly on the size and hope that I can exchange it for the smallest size and expect to pay shipping both ways on the exchange. This is a beautiful piece and I couldn't be more pleased with the purchase!