All Things Desiderate ... Blog

Why We Don't Make Many Adjustable Size Rings

Our customers often ask us ‘Why don’t you make adjustable rings?’ 

We know that you like the idea of adjustable rings, as it eliminates the problem of getting the wrong ring size. This is especially important if you are purchasing a gift — it’s not easy to buy someone a ring and get the sizing right! 

Another reason people like adjustable rings is the flexibility. If your hands tend to swell with heat or exercise, you like the idea of being able to change your ring size accordingly. So yes, we understand completely why you like adjustable rings! 

Unfortunately, adjustable rings are problematic because

How Jewellery Makes You Feel
It’s so much more than gemstones and metal — it’s a symbol of who you are. When we buy jewellery we're saying 'I'm here, I matter & I deserve to treat myself'.

Too often, women are told to sacrifice for others; put themselves last. Women are givers, and it’s easy to lose a little bit of ourselves with everything we do for family, friends, community and work. When we buy ourselves a little treat, we are telling ourselves that we matter too. That we deserve to feel good and look good.
Meet The Team - Dannielle

It's been challenging learning new skills after being mostly a stay at home mum for a while and I've found that I love learning new things, putting my brain to work and developing computer skills.

Also I love looking at the beautiful gems all day, being part of a team and getting to know our customers.

Rose Quartz is definitely my favourite gemstone, I love that it represents love, all kinds of love. Family love, romantic love and importantly love for yourself and looking after ourselves. The colour is gentle, beautiful and it makes me happy.

How to clean Jewellery

Cleaning your jewellery! 5 things you need to know

Don't dull your own sparkle – clean those gems!

Maybe you racked up an Afterpay account that makes you bank account shriek, just a little, maybe you've collected a treasure trove of jewellery beauties over a series of birthdays – your pieces are your bling and you love them. Keep them shiny and safe by cleaning them, the right way.

Every girl needs to know how to shine her jewels because nobody got time for dull gems.

Desiderate - What is the Virtual Try-On System?

Desiderate's ground breaking new Virtual Try On system will change the way you shop! You can actually see how it looks, on you, just like trying it on in a shop, amazing, right?

Our new Virtual Try-On system uses the camera technology on your device to capture a real-time image of how a product will suit you when it’s being worn. This is a game changer and I'm super excited to be one of the first to offer it to you. Why buy jewellery from another online store when you can virtually try our pieces on?

Why Jewellery is Better Than Chocolate
It’s Almost Easter!

Sure, chocolate tastes delicious… but once it’s gone, it’s gone.

When you gift jewellery to your loved ones this Easter, you’re giving a gift that will last well past the long weekend. It’s not just enjoyed for a day or two - it’s a gift that will last a lifetime.

Looking for gift ideas this Easter that don’t include chocolate? We’ve got you covered! We have compiled a list of reasons why jewellery is better than chocolate.

April Birthstone - Diamond - Why White Topaz is a perfect substitute!

Individuals with April birthdays are said to be work-oriented, passionate, hard working and loyal folks, which makes them a handy friend to have.

you're lucky enough to be born in April, you will likely already know that the April Birthstone is none other than the Diamond. This stone is known for its durability and healing powers, with the Diamond birthstone being a beacon for longevity, strength, beauty and happiness. What a stone!

The downside to this beautiful stone? Diamonds are extremely rare and as such, are extremely expensive.

The 6 Most Powerful Gemstones for Women
Gemstone energy can help amplify your personal power and support you in achieving your goals. Have you ever thought about which gemstones are the most powerful for women? International Women's Day got me thinking about it and I’ve put together a list of the top 6 crystals for women’s spiritual, emotional, mental and physical health.
Is It OK To Buy My Own Valentines Gift?

This Valentines Day celebrate your own love for you. Buy your own Valentines gift. Forget the cheesy card though. That's not right. Don't buy yourself one of those.

You ARE allowed to think of yourself you know? You can buy your own Valentines present. Really. I give you permission. 

Don't be secretly disappointed when you don't receive something you deserve, take the pressure off and buy it for yourself.

Are Zodiac Pendants Popular?
As an Astrology student (and Customer Service Support Extraordinaire at Desiderate) I am, of course quite biased when answering this question. Knowing Astrology as well as I do and using it in my everyday personal and professional life I would wholeheartedly agree. With the increase of Facebook and Instagram ads it’s no surprise that the algorithm that seeks out my searches usually spits out numerous advertisements selling anything from astrology tea towels to astrology bed linen and of course astrology jewellery. 
Why Shop Online?

You can do it anytime, any day of the week.  How fun is it when you can’t sleep so you turn on your phone and you start seeing fashion or jewellery ads pop up and next thing it’s 2 am and you are the proud new owner of three rings, 2 x pairs of shoes and an Air Fryer!

Just takes your mind off the insomnia for a brief moment in time, helps balance out that serotonin to help engage back to sleep.

Why does sterling silver tarnish?
All Sterling Silver will eventually tarnish, due to the chemical reactions caused by regular exposure to sulphur in the environment.

Tarnish is a thin layer that forms on the top of the piece, which actually keeps the inner layers protected. The reactions that occur on the outer layer which is exposed to chemicals in the air and environmental elements, are what results in changes to your jewellery.

Pieces may tarnish more quickly in humid climates or if worn in areas with higher levels of air pollution.
Citrine the Birthstone for November
Citrine is a popular type of crystal that is known for her properties of abundance, prosperity, and positivity. The name comes from from the French word citron, which means lemon. Like these citrus fruits, citrine comes in many different shades of yellow and orange. As it's a natural stone, colour and inclusions may vary from piece to piece – but this will make your citrine crystal all the more unique and special, which is why it’s loved by so many!
All About Opals
Although opals come from all over the world, including Mexico, Brazil, Hondura and the USA, 95% of all opals are Australian Opals. The glistening gems come in colours from blue and green, white, pink and black.

People born in October are lucky enough to have the opulent opal as their birthstone, the spectacular stone has endless colour combinations and a beautiful gem to commemorate their birthday.
Plus Size Rings in Australia

If you’ve found yourself googling ‘Where to find plus size rings in Australia’ or are looking for hints and tips on how to shop for large sized rings for women, you’re in the right place.

Here at Desiderate, we offer top quality silver rings to fit fingers of all sizes – rings for small fingers, rings for large fingers, and everything in between. Many of our customers have been told in the past that it can be difficult to find rings for ‘fat fingers’, but we do our best to cater for everyone! 

What's the birthstone for September in Australia?
Blue Sapphire is the birthstone for September in Australia.

In the middle ages it was believed that sapphire had magic healing properties and it was ground up to use as an antidote to poison, to fix eye problems and to cure fevers, nosebleeds, ulcers and pretty much any illness.
It only seems like yesterday when we were all living our best in our very first lockdown. We were hosting Zoom parties, having drinks with neighbours via our covid safe distanced balconies and decks. Ringing friends, posting funny memes and commiserating with the ‘joys’ that came with homeschooling.  We were reasonably happy to deal with the cards that were dealt to us and to just get on with it. Fast forward to this year and ‘Round 2’ or ‘Round 5’ if you’re in Victoria! is proving to be more challenging than what we were used to.
Happy Birthday Pisces
Oh beautiful Pisces, it’s your birthday!!! Can I wake you from your fantasy and dreams you are having right now to wish you a big happy birthday?  You do love losing yourself in such enchanting faraway places but this won’t take long I promise, and you can go back to escaping….
Am I too old to wear an anklet and what will people think?
I’ve always loved an anklet.  I have quite a few thrown in my jewellery drawer, which really isn’t a jewellery drawer at all but I don’t know what else to call it.  You know the one I mean – it’s the drawer that holds random items like bangle, your child’s first tooth, foot cream, lavender pillow spray that’s never been used, a few crystals and the standard opened packs of ibuprofen and paracetamol for when the Margarita hangover kicks in.  
I spied my very first anklet when I was 10 years old.  The year was 1975.  Fashion was at its best, and I say that with my tongue firmly implanted in my cheek.  It was summer and we were holidaying down the Coast. 
Happy Birthday Aquarius
Oh hey Aquarius it’s your birthday! Hip, hip, HOORAY!!!  I would run and embrace you with a thousand kisses but oooh yep, that’s right…You can be a little hesitant in the old ‘fluff and bubbles’ department.  You are too busy thinking seven light years ahead of anyone else, so you just do not have time for such frivolity!  You are off to debunk or start the next conspiracy theory which you will focus steadfastly on until you are proven otherwise. Which will be never, as your beliefs are so fixed due to your stubborn personality.  It’s ok Aquarius, you bring such hope and dream fulfilment to so many others that we can sometimes let you have your opinion and be done with it. 
What birthstone are you? And what does your Birthstone mean?
A belief about birthstones is to do with the planets. Each month experienced a deficit of colour, depending on which planet was furthest away from earth during the month of that birthstone. So the birthstones were chosen for the colour missing during that month and supposedly that colour is lacking in people born during that month.

So wearing your birthstone helps to make up for this inadequacy and restores your cosmic colour.